Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alexander Sanchez

Food Inc.

In my opinion Food Inc was an interesting and inspiring movie. Food Inc is a controversial movie about how fast food is taking over other food industries and the government. Food Inc hits main points like, health and fast food, animal cruelty and government corruption. The movie has sad video clips on how farmers treat their animals because of food industries. It also shows the viewers how health is being affect because of this chemically enhanced food that the food industries are processing to save time, effort and mainly money.

Food Inc shows how the food industry took over the farms in the Unites States and created a new system of “ farming ” if that’s what you want to call it. The food industry toke away the farmers independence, so they can demand what they want the farmer to grow. They hire people in need of money so they can pay them less than the cost for production, crops and animals. They treat the workers like slaves by making them work in unsanitary facilities. The food industries force the farmers to treat animals crudely by feeding them unhealthy food to create mass quantities of cows, chickens and pigs.

Their are many costumes we can innovate so we can eat healthier and pay less for healthier food. It’s possible to eat well and inexpensively, but it will take more time and effort to do so. For example, instead of doing groceries in your nearest deli, you can make a effort to shop at farmer's markets and local produce stations. Buying organic products might be more expensive but will help in the long run. Industries will produce more organic products because more people are buying this products. Organic food doesn’t just help your health it also helps the environment.

What scares me the most is the fact how only a few companies are controlling the meat industry. Those industries are having to much power and control over the government. Many people don’t pay attention towards what they eat because they think the government has agents like the FDA to protect them. But little they know the government protect this industries. For example, in the movie Food Inc. they documented the story of a mother and how her two-year old son Kevin that died from E. Coli poisoning. The mother works as a Food Safety advocate, she been trying to get a law passed that allows the USDA to shut down food plants that continually produce contaminated meat for years. Its frighten how this corporations that are made to protect us don’t have the power to shut down this plants.

Food Inc was a great movie that educates the viewers about what they are consuming. If more people would see this movie and educate themselves from what these powerful industries are doing, then I think we could make a more faster progress towards eliminating this contaminated meat plants. So for now the best thing we could do is look at the nutrition facts and try to eat as health as possible.


  1. Alexander,

    You make a lot of really interesting points! I like your approach towards effecting change: Educate more people, increase demand for better food and soon the companies will make some changes!

  2. i am agre with your opinion that you sayes is to educate people by watching this movie.i think this will be the primary steps to know people about what farm industry doing.
